Thursday, August 1, 2013

Scotland Day 2 - the Jacobite Steam Train

It was a bit of a rude awakening when the alarm went off at 7:45am. I think we could have all slept much longer. However, we needed to eat breakfast at 8am then it was off to Fort William to catch the Jacobite Train. This train ride, from Fort William to the town of Mallaig and back is considered the most scenic in the world. The first class car we rode it was elegant and fitted out as it would have been in the days of steam trains with fabric upholstered chairs and little lamps on the tables. Before we left, Josh and I went up to check out the steam locomotive. The repairman was there and allowed us to hop up and take a look. It was very warm because of the stoking fire and was probably nice to have when it was cold outside! The locomotive looked very complicated with all kids of levels and wheels to turn! The modern computer and signal box were hidden away where they couldn't be seen.

The main highlight of the ride was going over the Glenfinnan viadut - a gorgeous long bridge, spanning the water. It is also famous, appearing in the Harry Potter films. When the kids are on the Hogwart's Express, the ride over this bridge. Josh also said that when Harry and Ron are in the flying car, it goes through the arches of the viaduct. It was truly breathtaking. Actually, the entire countryside was simply stunning - there were waterfalls, ferns, flowers and trees everywhere. Just tons of natural beauty. Along the way we made a short stop at the Glenfinnan Station. Here there is  small museum that talks about the building of the railway. Josh like it very much as there were interpretive signs just for kids and at their height even! After that, it was straight on to Mallaig. The town itself wasn't much bigger than a few streets, so there wasn't much to look at. The owner of Smiddy House had recommended we eat lunch at the Chlachlain Inn, so off we went. It was so worth it! I had local Shetland Bay Mussels done Scottish style with bacon, brie, shallots and chives. OMG is was so good! I got the small bowl and was still way too much to eat! Jeff had a very nicely done fish and chips and a spice tomato soup that he really enjoyed.

Upon our return to Fort William we drove out to the Caledonian Canal to visit a series of locks we saw from the train. "Neptune's Ladder" is a series of 29 locks and 10 swing bridges that run the length of the canal. The lower part has one swing bridge and several locks. We wandered around waiting to see if any boats were going to use the locks, as there were several tied up and preparing to move. But, it started to rain pretty good, so we couldn't wait around any longer!

After a bit of downtown at theInn we headed out to dinner at the Ben Nevis Inn. This place was totally cool! It is a guest house/hostel set off by itself next to a hiking trail head. This is obviously the group it caters to. Dinner was hearty and delicious. We had lamb "stovies" which was slow-cooked shredded lamb served with oat cakes (Which I think are called stove cakes, hence the name). We also had a lamb and potato stew (sense a theme here) Dessert was amazing - a Scottish specialty called Cranachan. It's a kind of raspberry mousse with raspberry sauce, whiskey, oats, heather, honey and whipped cream. After dinner we decided to explore a little bit of the trail that lead away from the Inn. Man! I wish we had time to hike it! There were sheep everywhere - they looked like little white rocks dotting the side of the a steep mountain. It's hard to describe the beauty of the trail - a rustic dirt path lined with stones of shale. Anyway, we went a long for a bit then turned around when it started to rain! It was a wonderful first day!

Just a note on the rain. It apparently stops and starts on a dime around here. One minute it is dry, the next rainy. You just have to be flexible with your activities!

Jacobite Steam Train

Josh in the conductor's chair

Glenfinnan Viaduct Bridge (featured in Harry Potter)


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